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      Welcome to visit jinan kai yue machinery co., LTD's official website!
      Service hotline
      PVC Door-window 3-head Welding Machine(Linear bearing) SHZ3G-100×3600
      Range of application:
      Ordering hotline:400-8856-977
      Procurement:PVC Door-window 3-head Welding Machine(Linear bearing) SHZ3G-100×3600
      * The contact: Please fill in your real name
      * Mobile phone: Please fill in your contact phone number
      * describe:
      Please fill out the purchase of the product quantity and product description, ready for the convenience we undertake unity.
      Verifycode: 驗證碼,看不清楚?請點擊刷新驗證碼
      Ji'nan Kai Yue Machinery Co., Ltd
      Service hotline:18615638008 15610125666
      Headquarters address:Huaneng road Licheng District No. 368 5E901,Ji'nan

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